BIM Consulting and Advisory for organization or projects

BIM Consulting or Advisory Services include setting up an organization on the right trajectory to successfully adopt and utilize BIM technologies and processes. This service can be undertaken at an organization level or at a project leve. Some of the key activities/services we provide here are but not limited to-

  • Finalization of organization level BIM Goals and Objectives
  • Finalization of project level BIM Goals and Objectives
  • Identifying project specific targeted BIM Uses
  • Preparation of RACI (Responsible-Accountable-Consulted-Informed) Matrix
  • Preparation of Process Maps required to implement BIM uses
  • Capability Assessment
  • Assessment of Training Requirements
  • Setting up of BIM Standards and Processes
  • Defining contract languages and BIM specifications
  • Finalizing stage-wise LOMD/LOD/LOI requirements
  • Utilizing above and other information to prepare documents like-
    • Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR)
    • Pre-contract and post-contract BIM Execution Plans
    • Model Production & Delivery Table (MPDT)
    • Asset Information Requirements (AIR)